Photo by Krista Lee Photography

                        Photo by Krista Lee Photography


You'll most likely find me with messy hair, curled up with a cup of hot coffee, pondering the meaning of things or watching Netflix. I've been working in the photography industry since 2001 and it's taken me from coast to coast and back again.

After a cozy decade in Nashville, TN, I'm heading three hours north on I-65, to Louisville, KY. Home. They say you can't go home again and I'm not trying to. Louisville has changed quite a bit in the good long while since I've called it home. And it goes without saying, I've changed quite a bit as well. So I'm looking at it like a brand new city and I hope it looks at me like a brand new girl. 

Here's what I love: water, campfires, books, whales, color, laughter. 

Here's what I love to shoot: two people together, best friends, couples, little weddings, proposals, beginnings, endings and the moments in between.

A photographer I admire once said, "To be a better photographer, you have to be a better person." And even though he wasn't speaking directly to me, those words sounded like a church bell in my soul. I hope in all my wanderings to connect with amazing people and emerge a better person. 

Available for sessions in Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY